Thursday, October 11, 2007

Beating a dead horse with more psycho analysis: The Golden Compass movie ending

For those who watched them: remember the Harry Potter films? Remember how you were so excited and then you came away puzzled (especially after the 3rd movie) thinking "why did they CHANGE stuff?" Well, by the time films four and five rolled around we got used to it and in some cases it's worked (Order of the Phoenix) to the greater benefit of the film itself. Perhaps it's the same. This is a series that has yet to make its way to the screen and because we see a chance for doing it the "right" (every little detail gets put on the screen no matter how trivial) way. Well, The Golden Compass is that "new series" (even though the first book is older than the first Potter book) and at the first sight of differences (basically the ending, seeing as things like Mrs. Coulter's hair color stopped bothering people ages ago) we're mad because the chance for a "perfect" adaptation is gone. Oh well, let's just be glad that the story is still completely intact, and simply being cut off at a different place. *sigh* *forgives Chris Weitz*

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