Sunday, April 18, 2010

New snippet of (positive) buzz for "Tree of Life"

It's things like this that made me wish I'd gone to film school in Texas; how amazing would it have been to a secret screening!? This was posted on SlashFilm as a reader comment, so take it with a grain of salt. That said, Austin has had several recent high profile "secret" screenings of films before (including There Will be Blood), and seeing as Mr. Malick resides in or around the city, it's not implausible. Hmm, 97% complete? As good as Badlands? TRAILER SOON?

The blurb: He screened it to an audience of about thirty, and it's literally 97% done. Our boss was able to see it, and called it the best film of his since "Badlands". Emmanuel Lubezki was in attendance, as was some vfx gurus (one of which was my boss).

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