Thursday, June 12, 2008

Mulholland Dr.(2001)

All I can say is that I'd like to write a review, but my head is still spinning far too much from the second half of the movie. Though the first half doesn't seem too weird, the second is SO bizarre that it practically defies description. You'll just have to see it for yourself. I can't tell if David Lynch is a genius, a lunatic, or some twisted of the combination. For now I guess I'll give him the benefit of the doubt....

Grade: A

Nominations: Best Picture(#3), Best Director - David Lynch(#3), Best Actress - Naomi Watts(#2), Best Actress - Laura Elena Harring(#5), Best Original Screenplay(#2), Best Editing(#3), Best Cinematography(#4)


J.D. said...

I know, right???

jbaker475 said...

do you have any theories on what in the hell was going on? I'd try to come up with something but...having just finished the movie about 20 minutes brain is still in a state of shock lol