Thursday, August 19, 2010

It's not even funny anymore...

Like most of the news regarding the release of Tree of Life, this isn't set in stone, but it's still disheartening. After a 2010 release seemed like nearly a sure thing, Apparition - the film's distributor - landed in financial trouble. This would have been fine, but according to this new article, Malick still may not be finished tinkering. So either those rumors about him being "97% done" from April were false, or the notoriously detailed director to going through his film with a comb for the one hundredth time. Has the man never heard of a "director's cut DVD?" Look, as someone who wants to be either a director or producer, I understand that when you have the time to really make a film as you want to make it, you want to do your absolute very best. At the same time, if Malick wants to go over his film until it's absolutely perfect, I doubt he'll ever be totally satisfied. Maybe it's time to stop trying find little things that need fixing, and leave that duty up to the audience. Given Malick's limited but devoted fan-base, something tells me that whatever criticisms people have will come paired with heaps of praise as well.

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