Friday, May 28, 2010

Tree of (speculated) Knowledge

It's no secret that Terrence Malick's Tree of Life is, well, full of secrets. The notoriously reclusive director has been especially guarded on his latest project, which some speculate has been gestating since the 1970s, and was once known only as Q. Little details have popped up here and there, but finally, at long last, some real answers have arrived. Paul Maher over at has put together a wonderfully detailed article about everything that is "confirmed" regarding the film, now slated for release (I hope) this November or December. Now, when I say "confirmed," I mean every bit of speculation, not 100% confirmed facts. But for a director as reclusive as Malick, speculation is almost as good as fact in its own odd way. Click the link to read the full article, which is filled with lots of wonderful info.

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