Wednesday, December 5, 2007

National Board of Review Awards and they're (mostly) GREAT!!!

Best Picture: No Country For Old Men

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! *does victory dance* The only possible downside to this is that NBR's best picture choice usually ends up being an Oscar nominee, but not a winner....

Best Director: TIM FREAKIN' BURTON - Sweeney Todd

*super victory dance* It's about damn time he won something during Oscar season!!

Best Actor: George Clooney - Michael Clayton

eh, he was good, but also the weakest in the film. Not their best choice.

Best Actress: Julie Christie - Away From Her

not my favorite choice either. It was a very good performance, but it didn't really bring anything new to the "I'm playing someone with a disease convincingly" realm...

Best Supp. Actress: Amy Ryan - Gone Baby Gone.

Haven't seen the movie, but I've heard she's great.

Best Supp. Actor: Casey Affleck - The Assassination of Jesse James

I'm torn on this one. Yes, he was amazing and it's glad to see his performance hasn't faded from memory, but I still think Javier Bardem was more worthy (though I think he'll be claiming plenty of awards soon enough).

Best Foreign Film: The Diving Bell and the Butterfly

great even though I haven't seen it. The only sad thing is that the film is ineligible for Foreign Language Film at the Oscars because France chose to submit "Persepolis" instead...

Best Documentary: Body of War

never heard of it. don't really care.

Best Animated Feature: Ratatouille

it just got one step closer to getting the Oscar, though I've heard nothing but great things about Persepolis...

Best Ensemble Cast: No Country For Old Men

excellent choice. No "weak links" in there at all.

Breakthrough Actor: Emile Hirsch - Into The Wild

if there's one performance or film that I haven't seen, but couldn't care less about, it's this one.

Breakthrough Actress: Ellen Page - Juno

*return of the victory dance*

Best Directorial Debut: Ben Affleck, Gone Baby Gone

Not a surprise at all. Good for him.

Best Original Screenplay (tie): Diablo Cody, Juno and Nancy Oliver, Lars and the Real Girl

I've heard great things about Juno, and Lars and the Real Girl's script was very nice (but not my favorite)

And of course, their Top Ten of The Year

No Country For Old Men

Runners Up (listed alphabetically...probably to avoid hurting someone's feelings this being Hollywood and all)

-The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
- Atonement
- The Bourne Ultimatum
- The Bucket List
- Into the Wild
- Juno
- The Kite Runner
- Lars and the Real Girl
- Michael Clayton
- Sweeney Todd

Pretty good list though I'm surprised that The Bourne Ultimatum and The Bucket List made it in there...

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