Monday, June 20, 2011

Almodovar teases more "Skin," but still no plot (yay!)

Before I dive into the main subject of this post, a quick word: I'm currently taking part in a study-abroad program in the beautiful city of Prague. It's going to be rather hectic for the next 4 weeks, so posting will be diminished, to say the least. That said, I may pop in to throw around a few quick words regarding the films that I get to see at the 46th Karlovy Vary Film Festival...which brings us to this:

While I'm not as taken with this teaser, I love how little Almodovar reveals about the plot. He merely lets the timing of the edits and the music work together to create an atmosphere that seems both dark and camp (tones he's more than accustomed to working wonders with). The car/motorcycle bit actually had me thinking about The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. This is one Cannes film whose plot I've shielded myself from (as best I can in the age of the Internet), and I'm going to try and keep it that way.

And hopefully that won't be too long, seeing as I'll be at the above-mentioned Karlovy Vary FF on the film's first showing (Saturday July 2). Nothing's certain yet (other than that I'm attending), but if I get in, I'll be thrilled, and I'll make sure to at least give some brief thoughts, seeing as this is one of my most anticipated for the rest of the year. Until my next post (hopefully not so distant future), a temporary farewell...

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